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Assembly and productuse

Juliana greenhouses

Assembly and adjusting of foundation to Juliana greenhouse
Casting of the base
Assembly of the sides of a Juliana greenhouse
Assembly of the front gable of a Juliana greenhouse
Assembly of the rear gable of a Juliana greenhouse
Assembly of the roof of a Juliana greenhouse
Assembly of a window for a Juliana greenhouse
Assembly of a door for a Juliana greenhouse
Attaching sidewindow on a Juliana greenhouse
Attaching fastening-brackets to the base
Assembly of the frame for a Juliana greenhouse
Attaching the door on a Juliana greenhouse
Attaching the roof window on a Juliana greenhouse
Fitting glass in a Juliana greenhouse
Attaching downpipes on a Juliana greenhouse
Glazing of the greenhouse
Centering of toughened glas in Juliana greenhouses
Fitting polycarbonate in a Juliana greenhouse
Opening of glass cradle

Specific Juliana greenhouses

Juliana Oase - Assembly and attaching the roof
Juliana Grand Oase - Assembly and attaching the roof
Juliana Oase and Grand Oase - Attaching and adjusting the dampener on the hat
Juliana Junior - Assembly of window with polycarbonate
Juliana Junior - Assembly of window with glass
Juliana Oase and Juliana Grand Oase - Assembly of the frame
Juliana Oase and Juliana Grand Oase - Assembling the corners #1
Juliana Oase and Juliana Grand Oase - Adjustment of the hat
Juliana Urban City Greenhouse - Assembly
Juliana Urban Vertical - Assembly
Juliana Urban Balcony - Assembly
Juliana - Assembly of downpipe for dwarf wall greenhouses
Juliana - Grand Oase dwarf wall
Juliana - Elements with wood
Juliana - Order when installing glass in the roof
Juliana Oase and Juliana Grand Oase - Assembling the corners #2
Juliana Orangeri - roof in bay
Juliana Orangeri - Glass in roof in bay


Juliana - Ventomax window opener
Juliana - Univent window opener
Juliana - Tablet holder
Juliana - Roller Blinds
Juliana - Bag holder
Juliana - Suspension hooks
Juliana - Plant pot holder
Juliana - Solar Cell LED Lamp
Juliana - Min-Max thermometer
Juliana - Candle holder
Juliana - Plant shelf
Juliana - Integral staging and shelving
Juliana - Fitting Box
Juliana - Set of wire
Juliana - Plant spirals
Juliana - how to use Min-Max thermometer

Halls greenhouses

Halls Altan - Installing the door
Halls Altan - Installing the window
Halls Universal and Magnum - Installing the door
Halls Universal and Magnum - Installing a window
Halls Universal and Magnum - Assembling H-list
Halls Universal and Magnum - Assembling the door
Halls Universal and Magnum - Assembling the sides
Halls Universal and Magnum - Assembling the window
Halls Atrium - Assembling the door
Halls Atrium - Assembling a window
Outrium - Install glazing ticks

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